Property Management

BOMI’s property management classes empower learners with the skills they need to be successful on the job. You’ll learn all aspects of operating a commercial building and maximizing net income while minimizing risk. Start with one class, earn your certificate, and achieve a designation.

RPA Start with a course wo background

“The RPA® gave me the confidence to promote myself and be vocal about our industry. It led me to better opportunities, and I am now a portfolio manager overseeing approximately 2.2M sq. ft. nationally.”

-Lori Cruz, RPA®
Get Started Today

Our courses give you the know-how to succeed. We’ve designed our property management courses to elevate your career – from budgeting and asset management to design and maintenance – to name a few.  We offer ten property management courses:

BOMI Asset Management course

Asset Management

BOMI Budgeting and Accounting course

Budgeting & Accounting

Design Operation Maintenance Buildings I wb

Design, Operation & Maintenance of Building Systems, Part I

Design Operation Maintenance Buildings II wb

Design, Operation & Maintenance of Building Systems, Part II

Environmental Health and Safety wb

Environmental Health & Safety Issues

Ethics is Good Business wb

Ethics is Good Business®, ShortCourse™

Law and Risk Management wb

Law & Risk Management

BOMI Leasing and Marketing course

Leasing & Marketing for Property Managers

Managing the Organization wb

Managing the Organization

Real Estate Investment and Finance

Real Estate Investment & Finance

Learn more about property management credentials:

Certified Manager of Commercial Properties

Property Administrator Certificate

Property Management Financial Proficiency Certificate

Real Property Administrator Designation