Vendor Designations

Are you a provider of products or services for the commercial real estate industry?

Give your company the competitive edge! Gain a better understanding of your clients’ needs and increase your ability to problem-solve on their behalf with BOMI’s new credentials – The Property Partner Advisor (PPA™) and Facility Partner Advisor (FPA™).

The property and facility industry is fueled by quality partnerships with product and service providers. These new credentials demonstrate your commitment to the industry and your client’s specific, individual needs.

How do I earn my PPA™ or FPA™?

  • Complete eight courses and pass the course exams
  • Courses may be taken in any order
  • Flexible delivery options: online self-paced, virtual learning, or in-person at a BOMA Local near you

To participate in the Property Partner Advisor (PPA) and Facility Partner Advisor (FPA) programs, you must be a vendor/allied industry associate, meaning you sell products or services to property and facility managers.

If you are a property or facilities manager, you do not qualify for this program. Learn more about career paths for property and facilities managers.


Property Partner Advisor (PPA™)

The PPA program positions you for success by providing insight into and knowledge of operating a commercial building from the property manager’s point of view. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the various aspects of property management and what’s involved with analyzing a building in its entirety. Position yourself for long-term success when working with your property professionals.

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FPA TM 500

Facility Partner Advisor (FPA™)

The FPA program ensures you’re a critical strategic contributor to your clients. Learning about the day-in-the-life of a facilities manager, you’ll build an understanding of productive work environments and how facility managers handle tenant issues such as daily operations, maintenance, comfort, and safety.

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